New color palette for transit oriented corridor

New color palette for transit oriented corridor

Most of the 441 corridor within the City of West Park is within what is called the Transit Oriented Corridor (TOC). The purpose of this corridor is to provide of mix retail, restaurant, services, small employment uses and residential uses within a short distance of transit facilities.

The City’s zoning code for the TOC specifies building architectural styles to ensure new development is attractive for residents, visitors, and business customers. In order to ensure new buildings are painted appropriate, attractive and compatible colors, the City Commission approved an ordinance on March 21, 2012 to require all new buildings and existing buildings use paint within the West Park Transit Oriented Corridor Color Palette.

At least two colors from the approved TOC Color Palette must appear on each frontage (the part of the building facing the road). Before painting a building in the TOC, the paint color must be registered with the City. An application for the registration is available on the City’s website. Property owners are required to review the TOC Color Palette and register the color before painting their building. The color palette can be viewed at City Hall.

The TOC Color Palette reflects the City’s desire to create an attractive business atmosphere that reflects the City’s motto: “The City of Positive Progression.”

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