From the Desk of Commissioner Dorsett

logo-national-league-citiesAs a member of the National League of Cities’ (NLC) Small Cities Council Steering Committee, I atten ded this year’s summe r meeting. Lots of informative topics discussed during the meeting are: The Overwhelming Importance of Water; Role of Local Agriculture & Relationship to Small Cities; Fiber Ring Presentation; Landfill & Gas Facility; and Sharing of Best Practices with other Small Cities. These types of interesting opportunities are ideas that we use to continue improving our great City. To ensure that our City benefit from these opportunities, I have provided all the materials from the meeting to our City Manager.

NLC’s Small Cities Council works to ensure that the interests of small communities are reflected in NLC’s overall policies and programs and provides a forum for sharing ideas and best practices among smaller communities. To obtain some of the information presented at the meeting or to find out more about NLC Small Cities Council Steering Committee, please contact the City Manager at 954.989.2688 or me.

Have a wonderful summer!

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