MEMORIAL DAY…. observed May 27

That day set apart each year, first by custom and later by statute, for the purpose of honoring the memory of the soldiers who fought in the Civil War, is a successor to Decoration Day which originated with the southern states when flowers were strewn over the soldiers’ graves.

After hostilities between the Union and Confederate forces had ceased, the widows and friends of the slain southerners showed their sincere love and gratitude to their fallen heroes in this fashion. This was not confined to confederate graves only. These fine women of the South also decorated the graves of the northern dead. The news of this touching tribute flashed across the North as a ray of new light and hope for brotherhood, and in 1868, General John A. Logan, then Commander in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, showed his deep admiration of this symbolic custom by issuing an order designating May 30th of that year as the one on which all posts of the G.A.R. should commemorate the dead of the Civil War by decorating their graves with floral bouquets and wreaths.

Action was soon taken by the legislatures of various states and the 30th of May was set-aside for that purpose in the majority of states.

We also pay tribute to those Americans who sacrificed their lives in the wars since the Civil War and now including our armed forces in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. We should never forget that peace & liberty, as our forefathers learned, comes at a cost of great sacrifice, but the results can be everlasting into our next generation.

Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day everyone!

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