Story / Press Release Instructions

How to get your Story/Press Release/Article in Community Newspapers

Stories should be submitted at least three weeks ahead of an event, earlier if possible. After event stories/photos should be received by us within a week, if not sooner.

Stories should be sent via email to (attention: David Berkowitz). Do not send by fax or regular mail. Email the story as an attachment — MS Word preferred (we can translate from either Mac or PC platforms) or as part of email. You can attach photo files as well. Do not place photos in word documents. Be sure cutlines (captions) are included.

Prints should be scanned at 100 percent with at least 300 dpi resolution. Photos taken with digital cameras should be of high resolution (640×480 is not adequate, recommend at least 1,600 X 1,200). Send in hi-res jpeg format. Do not reduce file size for email.
Follow-up with a call within a day or two of sending release. Don’t wait a week or more to see if we received the story.

We have limited reporter/photography resources so we are very limited to events we can cover. In most cases you will be asked to supply the story and photographs.

We cannot call and tell you when a story is published, but feel free to call us and ask if a story has run. Allow a week or two, but don’t wait three months. Back newspapers are not kept for long, however most papers are now archived online at

Space in the newspapers is limited so there are many more requests to get items published than there is room to place them. We cannot promise in advance if or when a story will be published.