Village Council Candidates- Seat 3 – James Mcdonald

Motivation to run for office:

To be perfectly honest, Cindy Lerner asked me to do it. She came up to me at a Transportation Advisory Committee meeting (which I chair). I thought it out and said “okay let’s do it.” I have been very active since moving to the community 36 years ago, 31 in the same house. I view serving on the council as a way to give back.

Pressing issues and strategies for resolution:

I have no specific goals and no agenda. As I work my way through the Village, there is no one thing; I have learned people are pleased with Pinecrest government and think this is a good place to live. Since April, I have been going out (into the community) every day and have covered almost half the Village so far. One thing I say is “keeping Pinecrest a good place to raise kids.” I have raised four kids here. One objective is to keep government responsive to the people, to keep honest and efficient government working with the mayor and others.


I am a former FBI agent, a former prosecutor, I was a staff attorney for the U.S. House of Representatives; I was a member of the Citizen’s Crime Commission board early on. My wife Susan is a dietician for the UM Medical School; we have been married for 44 years and raised four children here; Jennifer is 41, Kristin is 40, Jamie is 31 and James is 25. I have enjoyed being around government as a lawyer and worked for government select committees. I worked for Claude Pepper and have represented clients in front of government agencies. I like to bike, sail, read.

Future Vision:

I would want to make a positive contribution to the community. I don’t know the issues and I don’t make promises. I want a dog park for example. I will objectively look at the facts presented and do the best job I can for what is in the best interests of the people. There are two sides to everything and I will be objective and fair and honest as best I can.

Accessibility to voters:

I am always available through my work phone office and email. This is why I am walking the neighborhood now, to meet people. (So constituents can say) “I know that guy, let me give him a call and try to get advice.” Walking the Village is keeping me in shape in these hot days. I head out at 5:45 p.m. for two hours. It is a draining process, but I have enjoyed it. It is very interesting to knock on doors and meet people.

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