Our lifestyle choices dictate the quality of our lives

Are you ready for a healthier lifestyle? Ready to make the changes that will support you in having more energy and vitality?

My sister Renee made a decision not long ago to change her lifestyle to improve her health and also to take off unwanted inches. She had been taking blood pressure medication for several years and was concerned about her health.

She has lost 18 pounds and 14 inches around her waist in the past three months. The biggest change was in her dietary choices. She began by changing the food she kept at home. Her husband even got involved, supporting her with more nutritional food choices by grocery shopping for fresh vegetables and fruits, almonds, Greek yogurt and snacks that were a part of her new eating plan. At parties and social gatherings, Renee ate in moderation. She would make it a point to eat something light a few hours before going out so that she would be less hungry. If pizza was served, she had only one slice, and typically ate only the topping.

At one party where “make your own sundae” was the theme, she had only a tiny scoop of ice cream rather than an entire cup. Renee says, “what I discovered, as I started to eat smaller portions, is that once I have a taste of something, I am satisfied with just a little bit; whereas in the past I would keep eating until I felt full and then later regret having over indulged.”

When she went to see her doctor for her check up last week, the doctor told her she had the cleanest bloodwork ever. Her improvements were so dramatic that he took her off the blood pressure medication. She has energy and is fitting into clothing sizes she has not worn in years. The best part is the boost in confidence that has come from making healthy choices every day.

“I feel much better about myself now that I am making healthier choices, and the positive changes I am experiencing with my body overrule the desire I once had for food,” she said.

The sum total of our choices dictates the quality of our life. Change your mindset and focus on healthy lifestyle choices, which lead to healthy habits. Why not get the support you need in living your healthiest and best life now? Call today for a free 30-minute consultation to get started.

Pat Morgan, MBA and Success Coach, is the founder of Pat’s Healthy Living. She works with busy professionals to create health and lifestyle freedom. She may be contacted by calling 305-458-2849 or by email at CoachPatMorgan@gmail.com.

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