Palmetto Bay: The Village of public persecution

Why are the innocents now in the crosshairs of Mayor Shelley Stanczyk and the Palmetto Bay council?

Look to the special council meeting held on Feb. 3, another low point in the annals of Palmetto Bay, when two public speakers learned the hard way why not many dare to approach the microphone and speak their mind. The two speakers spoke their honest concerns and then, after they sat down, the mayor launched into her lecture, contesting their opinions and demonstrating through attempted intimidation that there is only the company line, hers, to be spoken at village council meetings.

One speaker left visibly shaken. The other just left, probably never to return like so many others before her. Lines have been short for public comment, unless the mayor asks her cronies to speak and there is no secret as to the reason.

How does this make you feel to have a government where those who dare question current operations or seek specific answers from the village government are lectured or ridiculed by the mayor and her cohorts? And why the anger directed toward public speakers? Is this is just another example of the stress developing within the mayor, which has been generating dysfunction at village council meetings since early 2011.

There is no improvement in conduct and it is time to start asking why the fellow members of the village council refuse to step in to correct Mayor Stanczyk and begin as a group to promote a healthier atmosphere at Village Hall.

The residents deserve support from council members who need to address the lack of civility.

Make no mistake about it, there is a real crisis in leadership going on in Palmetto Bay. The people need to step in and stop it. Where else can you find two police reports filed by members of the public against spouses of sitting council members for threats of violence — one such threat having occurred at a council meeting and the other at an election polling place. There is one known allegation of a council spouse publicly directing the one-finger salute to the council, in chambers, when dismayed at a vote. There remains a total lack of decorum.

Is this the vision you had for Palmetto Bay when it incorporated? All speakers should be able to speak without fear of being humiliated. Demand better from your mayor and council in this current Palmetto Bay government.

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