Lights on Afterschool

Lights on AfterschoolLights On Afterschool is a nationwide celebration of afterschool programs designed to bring awareness about high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs for children, youth, families, in local communities.

Lights on AfterschoolIn recognition of the Lights On Afterschool, the City of Miami Gardens sponsored an event at the Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex on October 18th, 2012 to call attention to the importance of afterschool and summer programs in the City to increase awareness and support for all community based afterschool and summer mentoring and enrichment programs.

Lights on AfterschoolMayor Oliver Gilbert opened the celebration and stressed the need for the City Council and the community to continue to support such educational programs that will improve the lives of all students in the City of Miami Gardens and produce productive, responsible citizens.

In addition the celebration included a performance from the Alliance for Musical Arts Youth Drum Line and The Miami Gardens School Crossing Guards presented the “Safety Town U.S.A.” display and provided children I.D. cards with their fingerprints. The Miami Gardens Police Community Enrichment Team made a presentation that emphasized the importance of stranger danger. The Shining Stars Afterschool Program participants performed skits and presentations for those in attendance.

The City’s afterschool program is currently held at five different sites and has over 125 participants. The program is designed to not only provide a safe environment for the children but to deliver an educational and rewarding experience. There are certified teachers that provide homework assistance and educational guidance along with chess instruction and recreational activity. The City provides transportation from the schools to the various sites at a nominal cost.

If you are interested in receiving more information regarding the City’s Shining Stars Afterschool Program, please feel free to contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (305) 622-8080.

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