Miami Beach Chamber Annual Meeting: A Celebration of Accomplishments and Growth

On November 9th 2011, the Miami Beach Chamber celebrated its Annual meeting at the La Gorce Country Club. Hundreds of members came together to celebrate the Chamber’s accomplishments and welcome new members and leaders. The guests enjoyed an hour of cocktails and hors d’oeuvre prior to being addressed by the Chair of the Miami Beach Chamber, Mr. Jason Loeb, who thanked everyone for their attendance and invited them to watch a 15 minute presentation reviewing the accomplishments of the 2010-2011 year.

The Chamber’s annual meeting provides a unique opportunity for members to share their success and growth of the previous year and connect with the possibility of new business prospects. “The mantra for this year is One Voice,“ said Jason Loeb, “We are the number 1 chamber of commerce in the world, the number one destination in the world, and together we can continue on this path and perpetuate this 90 year tradition of excellence.”

The presentation gave all attendees an overview of the Chamber’s developments of the past year. It opened with the revamping and rebranding of online tools such as w w w . m b c h a m b e r . c o m ,, and, as well as, the achievements of the Miami Beach News, a community newspaper that after only one year has grown to a 20,000 issues circulation. It also touched on the current undertakings of the various councils such as the Advocacy Council, Educational Council, Emerging Leadership Council, Global Business Council, Real Estate Council, Sustainable Business Council, Tourism and Hospitality Council, and the Women Business Council. The audience also learned about the increased participation and funds raised from events such as the Champions of Business Awards Luncheon, Miami Beach Golf Classic, and the 89th Annual Dinner Gala and Silent Auction.

After the presentation the Honorary Judge Beth Bloom proceeded to the installation of new leaders and members by swearing in Jason Loeb as the Chair of the Miami Beach Chamber and David Sacks of Pathman Lewis, LLP as Chairman of the Pillard Board of Trustees. The evening ended with this month’s Pillar Rising Star Winner being Billy Long Jr. from CBS Outdoor. As part of his award, Mr. Long will receive a jaguar from Warren Henry Vehicles.

Congratulations Chamber! We look forward to another year of growth!

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