Miracle-League of Miami Dade is one of the top 20 finalists for the Marlins Foundation’s Charity Partner Empowerment Fund

We’re excited to announce that the Miracle-League of Miami Dade is one of the top 20 finalists for the Marlins Foundation’s Charity Partner Empowerment Fund. Only four Charity Partners will be chosen for the 2013 season so we need your help and your votes!

In addition to receiving a $25,000 gift, the selected Charity Partners will receive assistance and support from the Marlins Foundation all year long.

As one of the Marlins Charity Partner Empowerment Fund’s selection criteria, they are looking for the nonprofit organizations that are most effectively able to rally support for their causes (and specifically in this case, for their Charity Partner Empowerment Fund applications), innovatively using the full spectrum of social media and digital tools at their disposal.

Voting closes THIS FRIDAY so spread the word on all our social media platforms as you can! Listed below are our new social media links:

*Click Here to vote: https://www.facebook.com/Marlins/app_441068625967796

Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MiracleLeagueOfMiamiDade

Twitter: @MiracleLeagueFL, use the hashtag #marlinsCharityPartnerEmpowermentfund

Pinterest: MiracleLeague, http://pinterest.com/miracleleague/

Instagram: MiracleLeagueMiamiDade

Link: http://instagram.com/miracleleaguemiamidade

YouTube: MiracleLeagueMiami


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