Kendall Networkers’ award honors Marvin Stein for years of service

Kendall Networkers include (l-r) president Dr. Sergio E. Vega; Marvin P. Stein, co-founder and “Ultimate Networker” award recipient, and Gary P. Simon, co-founder.
Kendall Networkers include (l-r) president Dr. Sergio E. Vega; Marvin P. Stein, co-founder and “Ultimate Networker” award recipient, and Gary P. Simon, co-founder.

It had to be only a matter of time. AKendall Networkers award recognizing the years of service of Marvin P. Stein equally honored the Pinecrest CPA who originally conceived the idea for the organization more than two decades years ago.

In early 1991, it was Stein’s idea to create a community-based business referral organization providing Kendall business people with a networking group, similar to a community chamber of commerce.

Since Kendall Networkers was organized formally in September 1991, Stein has maintained an active role, serving as its first president and continuing as a member of the board of directors for 20-plus years.

The Networkers’ annual Allan Stolman Award was instituted to inspire outstanding service as a memorial to Stolman’s outstanding efforts to the organization prior to his death in September 2008.

Networker members annually vote for the recipient among three candidates, based upon those exemplifying a high number of referrals, attendance, a presentation, recruiting and a “great attitude” of service.

“No one deserves this award more than Marvin,” said outgoing president Sergio E. Vega, recognizing Stein’s service during the organization’s monthly breakfast meeting at the N. Kendall Drive La Carreta Restaurant on Sept. 18. Laurie Shapiro was elected to succeed Vega at the same session.

Spearheading a Kendall-based networking group as a way to exchange business opportunities has been only one of Stein’s community-conscious services over the past 40 years.

In addition to Networkers, he has played a key role in the Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations as a founding member and as chair of the Kendall Federation Political Action Committee.

He is a founding member, treasurer and director of the Pinecrest Business Association, serving in excess of 650 businesses.

Stein also served on the Real Estate Committee of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, assisting in the preparation of the Guide to Auditing Florida Condominium and Homeowners Associations.

He was a member of the Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards Committee of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and served with the University of Miami Accounting Conference Committee. A participant in the University of Miami Business School’s Mentor Program, he also served with the Executive Internship Program of Miami- Dade County Public Schools.

Other activities include service as a community business parent PTA representative for Blueprint 2000 at Devon Aire Elementary School.

Previously a member of the board of directors, treasurer and later as executive vice president of Temple Shir Ami, he has served Temple Judea on its board of trustees, as board member for the Brotherhood and as chair of the Accounting Advisory Committee.

Stein received his Bachelor of Business Administration Degree at the University of Miami in 1970, opening his own office in 1976.

Applications for Kendall Networkers memberships are welcomed with information available at <>.

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